Finding the Right Project Manager for Your Agency: Debunking the 'Perfect Candidate' Myth
Discover the reality behind the 'perfect' project manager for your agency. This blog post provides a valuable reality check and guidance on how to focus your hiring process. We explore the art of trade-offs in project management skills, defining your agency's needs, and the importance of finding a candidate who fills the gaps in your team. Essential reading for agencies looking to hire the right project manager.

When looking to expand your team with a new project manager, it's only natural to have high expectations. After all, who wouldn't want a superhero who is technical, an excellent communicator, good with developers, a problem solver, and comes with a budget-friendly price tag? However, it's crucial to keep our feet firmly planted in reality. So, let's discuss what it really means to find an ideal project manager.
The Myth of the Perfect Candidate
Firstly, we need to debunk the myth of the 'perfect' project manager. It's important to realize that each individual comes with their unique blend of skills and expertise. This is not to say that you won't find a highly talented individual. But expecting one person to excel at everything might leave you chasing shadows.
The Art of Trade-offs
Understandably, more skilled or experienced project managers will come at a higher cost. It's also worth noting that there is often a trade-off between technical ability and communication skills. While some project managers might be technically brilliant, they may not be the best at client or team communication, and vice versa.
Defining Your Needs
Therefore, before you begin your hiring process, you must clarify what tasks your new project manager will be responsible for. If you already have a technical lead who manages all technical aspects, your project manager might need to be more focused on team and client communication. In such a case, prioritizing great English and excellent communication skills is crucial.
On the other hand, if your projects are highly technical and custom-tailored for each client, your project manager might need to have a more technical bent.
Filling the Gaps
The key to successful hiring is understanding where your business is struggling and how a new hire can help bridge those gaps. It's about complementing the skills and abilities that already exist within your team. Also, remember that this person will ideally help to elevate your business to the next level. So, focus less on finding the perfect candidate, and more on finding the perfect fit for your agency.
In the quest for growth, it's essential to approach the hiring process with a clear understanding of your needs, realistic expectations, and a focus on finding a candidate who can truly add value to your agency.
Don't let the myth of the 'perfect' candidate cloud your judgment. Instead, strive to find a project manager who complements your team's strengths, addresses its weaknesses, and aligns with your company culture and vision.